【NOFX (ノーエフ) セトリ】全ライブ2024


NOFXの「THE FINAL JAPAN TOUR」と「PUNKSPRING 2024」での全公演のセットリストをまとめていきます。


2024/03/17 (日) 幕張メッセ 国際展示場 9~11ホール (千葉県)

  1. Riff Raff (AC/DC cover)
  2. Dinosaurs Will Die
  3. Perfect Government (Mark Curry cover)
  4. Leave It Alone
  5. Bob
  6. Stickin' in My Eye
  7. Seeing Double at the Triple Rock
  8. All Outta Angst
  9. 72 Hookers
  10. Six Years on Dope
  11. Kill All the White Man
  12. Fuck the Kids (Revisited)
  13. Juice Head
  14. Hobophobic (Scared of Bums)
  15. Monosyllabic Girl
  16. I'm Telling Tim
  17. Instant Crassic
  18. Can't Get the Stink Out
  19. Franco Un-American
  20. I Love You More Than I Hate Me
  21. 180 Degrees
  22. We Called It America
  23. Radio (Rancid cover)
  24. Linoleum
  25. Les Champs-Elysees (Jason Crest cover)
  26. I'm So Sorry Tony
  27. The Decline (w/ Hi‐STANDARD)


NOFX THE FINAL JAPAN TOURは、2024年3月13日(水)に愛知・名古屋DIAMOND HALL、3月14日(木)に大阪・Zepp Osaka Bayside、3月15日(金)に神奈川・横浜Bay Hallにて開催。


2024/03/13 (水) 19:00 Diamond Hall (愛知県)

  1. Riff Raff(AC/DC cover)
  2. Dinosaurs Will Die
  3. Perfect Government
  4. Leave It Alone
  5. Bob
  6. Stickin In My Eye
  7. Idiots Are Taking Over
  8. All Outta Angst (with Karina Denike)
  9. 72 Hookers
  10. Six Years On Dope
  11. Eat The Meek
  12. Fuck The Kids
  13. Juice Head
  14. Hobophobic (Scared of Bums)
  15. Monosyllabic Girl
  16. I'm Telling Tim
  17. Instant Crassic
  18. Can't Get The Stink Out
  19. Franco Un-American
  20. I Love You More Than I Hate Me
  21. 180 Degrees
  22. We Called It America
  23. Radio(Rancid cover)
  24. Murder The Government
  25. The Brews
  26. Linolem
  27. Seeing Double At The Triple Rock
  28. Champs Elysees (with Karina Denike)
  29. Falling In Love
  30. The Decline(with Namba & Ken from Hi-STANDARD)

2024/03/14 (木) 19:00 Zepp Osaka Bayside (大阪府)

  1. Riff Raff (AC/DC cover)
  2. Dinosaurs Will Die
  3. Perfect Government (Mark Curry cover)
  4. Murder the Government
  5. Bob
  6. Stickin' in My Eye
  7. What's the Matter With Parents Today?
  8. All Outta Angst
  9. 72 Hookers
  10. I Love You More Than I Hate Me
  11. Kill All the White Man
  12. Fuck the Kids
  13. Juice Head
  14. Hobophobic (Scared of Bums)
  15. Monosyllabic Girl
  16. I'm Telling Tim
  17. Instant Crassic
  18. Can't Get the Stink Out
  19. Franco Un-American
  20. We Called It America
  21. Radio (Rancid cover)
  22. Soul Doubt
  23. Murder the Government
  24. The Brews
  25. Linoleum
  26. Seeing Double at the Triple Rock
  27. Pharmacist's Daughter
  28. Falling in Love
  29. I'm So Sorry Tony
  30. The Separation of Church and Skate
  31. The Decline

2024/03/15 (金) 19:00 横浜ベイホール (神奈川県)

  1. Riff Raff (AC/DC cover)
  2. Dinosaurs Will Die
  3. Perfect Government (Mark Curry cover)
  4. Leave It Alone
  5. Bob
  6. Stickin' in My Eye
  7. Idiots Are Taking Over
  8. All Outta Angst
  9. 72 Hookers
  10. Six Years on Dope
  11. Eat the Meek
  12. Fuck the Kids (Revisited)
  13. Juice Head
  14. Hobophobic (Scared of Bums)
  15. Monosyllabic Girl
  16. I'm Telling Tim
  17. Instant Crassic
  18. Can't Get the Stink Out
  19. Franco Un-American
  20. It's My Job to Keep Punk Rock Elite
  21. 180 Degrees
  22. Radio (Rancid cover)
  23. Linoleum
  24. Seeing Double at the Triple Rock
  25. Soul Doubt
  26. Les Champs-Elysees (Jason Crest cover)
  27. Murder the Government
  28. The Brews
  29. The Separation of Church and Skate
  30. Kill All the White Man


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